Over the last two years of contributing to this business column with all the benefits social media can bring to your business, this month I wanted to touch on something a little different. I was inspired by Trent Merrin’s (Penrith Panthers star and one of our valued clients) #moveoutofyourhead campaign, which encourages utilising social media in a positive way to raise awareness surrounding mental health.
During our research, we confirmed what most already knew; that individuals exposed to social media (at any age) are more likely to experience mental health issues. If you are using social media to build your business brand and marketing strategy, it is important to ensure that you are using these platforms in a positive and healthy way.
We can all admit that we have been caught up in checking our social accounts too often, especially when we are procrastinating or avoiding tasks we don’t really want to do.
It is easy to compare our individual circumstances to those around us, both personally and professionally. As a business owner, you are more than likely keeping tabs on your competitor’s social accounts, which may lead to negatively comparing your business positions, content, number of followers/likes and more.
To avoid negative social behaviour for your business;
Set a time limit for yourself for how long you will spend on socials daily. For example, an hour a day to respond to enquiries. If a client’s enquiry is urgent enough, they will pick up the phone and call you.
Download an app that allows you to schedule content across all your platforms, eliminating the need to log in numerous times a day to create your posts.
Try not to compare your business with your competitors. Use it to your advantage. See what is working for them and use it as inspiration to build your business to be better.
Don’t get caught in the fog of what your business or life should look like on social media. Be yourself and allow your business to have its own personality. Consumers will always connect more to a genuine business.